Competence Evaluation and Qualification Frameworks
International Forum

We study, define and harmonise criteria and guidelines for cognitive and non cognitive skills assessment

Organisation >

All of our activities are organised in formal bodies and working groups

Involvement >

Anyone with enough competencies and commitment can be involved in our activities submitting a membership request, both as individuals or organisations

Research Groups

Distinct by focus and topics, they are the actual core of our activities



Non Cognitive Skills Framework


European Qualification Framework


Professional Qualification Framework


eXperiences Qualification Framework


Neuro Diversity Skills Framework


TalentaProject Meeting

On Monday, July 3, 2023, the partners and affiliates of the TalentiLatenti project gathered for the first time in person. The meeting took place in Rome at the headquarters of the CervelliRibelli Foundation, an italian organization actively involved in experimenting with concrete activities for the social and occupational inclusion of neurodivergent individuals. The agenda for the day included aligning on the progress of the activities assigned to each partner and planning the dissemination of the project's results. The meeting was attended by Prof. Raffaella Rumiati and Filippo Nicoletti (SISSA, Italy), Luca Monti and Guido Tripaldi (CEQF, Italy), Aurélie Baranger, Etxane O. Scott, Christian Takow (AutismEurope, Belgium), Silvia Muñoz (PlenaInclusion, Spain), Teresa Gonzalez Gomez (Universitatd de Huelva, Spain), Alice Sodi and Roberto Mastropasqua (NeuroPeculiar, Italy). Other project partners were unable to attend due to prior commitments. The discussions were highly productive. Compared to the necessary Zoom meetings, face-to-face conversation proved to be much more dynamic and in-depth than the usual conference calls. All participants felt comfortable, thanks to the excellent hospitality provided by CervelliRibelli at their purpose-designed venue, specifically tailored to accommodate the activities of autistic individuals. We are very grateful to its President, Gianluca Nicoletti, for making it available.

Fellowships, Grants and Challenges

CEQF's scientific activity involves the implementation of research programs with the award of research grants to requesting and selected students and researchers.

If you are interested in participating in the selection of your profile or in submitting research papers, access the section of this site.

Calls & Projects

The organisation raises funds and uses them in its programs and projects to develop knowledge by enabling the construction of a system of recognition, validation and certification of skills.

Erasmus Project “Talenti Latenti” >

European Project on exchange of best practices, research and testing to certificate the competences of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome and other neurodivergences.


skills validation services (basic level) >

The training proposal is aimed at people with a background in social work, psychology and pedagogy who have a projection and interest in working in the field of employment and training services (more info)

Mediator on neurodiversity >

The course proposes a pathway to acquire the necessary skills to accompany neurodivergent people in the process of competence certification, guaranteeing the accessibility of the processes, in the recognition and protection of the person's specificities and needs (more info)

Neurodiversity Competence Project >

The CEQF and the SISSA Neuroscience and Society Laboratory carry out a project that develops the appropriate tools to be able to carry out a screening on people with neurodiversity to maximize their chances of job placement.

Opportunities for Graduate,
doctoral and Postdoctoral students

CEQF's scientific activity involves the implementation of research programs with the award of research grants to requesting and selected students and researchers.

If you are interested in participating in the selection of your profile or in submitting research papers, access the section of this site.


Competency Evaluation and Qualification Frameworks

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  • email: info@ceqf.org